Friday, July 29, 2016

Brickman of Clay

I really like this! Long-time comics fan Mel Horton has made a model of my Brickman character out of clay, based on a drawing I did for him at a convention this year. I feel honoured that he chose one of my characters to make, considering that Mel is a big fan of the old Odhams comics. It'd be great to see him do a Grimly Feendish or Cloak one next wouldn't it? 

Mel has a blog too, where he's created some nicely animated Smash! covers. Check it out here:

If you haven't already bought any Brickman titles, they're still available from my online shop, but the digest book Brickman Begins! (published by Active Images, 2005) is now in short supply and once it's gone, it's gone! Order them from here:


  1. Thanks for the write up Lew. The Cloak is definitely on my list of future models and I like your idea of a Grimly Feendish too.

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do next, Mel!


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