Friday, July 29, 2016

Review: ROK OF THE REDS No.2

The second issue of this SF football comic Rok of the Reds moves the story along superbly, thanks to the experienced writing skills of John Wagner and Alan Grant. They really are the two top writers in British comics, delivering a script that is clearly told, absorbing, advances the plot, and has a great cliffhanger.

Dan Cornwell once again proves to be a good choice as artist, with a style that has elements of traditional British comics but also a modern attitude to page composition. As with John and Alan's writing, Dan's visual storytelling abilities carry the adventure along effortlessly. There's no confusion here as to what's going on, as is often the case with some modern comics. 

This episode sees the alien Rok assume the form and memories of arrogant footballer Kyle Dixon, adapting his attitudes to fit in with the humans. Can he maintain his secret? There are echoes of Alan Grant's old Doomlord series here, but Rok goes its own way. 

For anyone bemoaning that "they don't do comics like they used to", this is perfect for you. It's like a contemporary take on the sort of serials that would have appeared in Lion or Scorcher in the 1970s. That said, it should also appeal to today's readers too. And don't be put off if you're not a football fan. I'm not either, but I still found it completely gripping. 

The best news of all is that issue 3 is out already, so I should have that in a few days time. You can buy all three issues from the publisher's website here...

If you're at the London Film and Comic Con this weekend, be sure to visit John Wagner's table in the Comics Zone, where he'll have copies to sell, and I'm sure he'll be happy to sign them for you. 

You can also buy copies from the artist, Dan Cornwell, by contacting him on his website:

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