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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

If it's Wednesday it must be BEANO day!

Cover by Nigel Parkinson.
Here's the cover of this week's Beano, taken from the lively website. Another 36 pages packed with all-new fun stuff! Pressing deadlines mean that I haven't had chance to go into town to buy a copy yet but if my strips are being published in the order I did them, this should be an accurate preview of today's stories...

Ivy the Terrible has a nightmare. What could possibly have caused that? Are there clues in this panel? 

Tubby finds a piece of rope! It's tug of war time in Pup Parade!

Beano No.3877, - out now! Only £2.50.


Phil Rushton said...

Though I'm not a regular subscriber that Ivy strip has intrigued me enough to pick up this issue. Shades of Fredric Wertham! :-)

Lew Stringer said...

Ha! Thanks, Phil! Hope you're not disappointed by the twist ending. :)

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