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Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Last American, - back in print!

I had the privilege of Mick McMahon illustrating a couple of scripts of mine for Sonic the Comic back in the 1990s. Naturally, he did a wonderful job. I'm pleased to see that Rebellion will soon be reprinting The Last American that features Mick's fantastically stylish artwork. Here's the info... 

        • CREATIVE TEAM: John Wagner, Alan Grant (w) Mick McMahon (a) Phil Felix (l)
REGIONS: US and UK print and worldwide digital
RELEASE DATE: 11 April 2017 (UK) 26 April 2017 (US)
PRICE: £15.99 (UK) $19.99 (US)
ISBN: 9781781085448

Back in print after more than a decade, this tour de force by three of British comics' greatest talents is a chilling but prescient parable for our modern times.

After the Apocalypse, the last man alive is tasked with delivering Ultimate Victory. Twenty years after a global nuclear war destroyed the world, Captain Ulysses Pilgrim is woken from suspended animation by three military robot aides. Selected by his superiors to survive the initial onslaught, Pilgrim now has one last mission; to scour through post-holocaust U.S.A. in the search for other survivors.

Want to see a preview? Here's the first four pages...

Available in print from: book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond


Paul McScotty Muir said...

Thanks for the heads up on this one Lew, although I am actively cutting back on comic related purchases as a big fan on Mick McMahons work, I think I will pick this up. I wasn't aware he worked on "Sonic" I must look for that one - Must have been a thrill seeing his work on your art..

Lew Stringer said...

It was his art from my script, Paul. (I wrote it, he drew it.) It was indeed a thrill, and a bit of an "I'm not worthy" moment. He drew at least two of my Sonic scripts, and he also drew lots of 'Decap Attack' episodes written by Nigel Kitching for Sonic the Comic too.

Paul McScotty Muir said...

Ooops sorry for the mix up Lew, still a major thrill

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