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Friday, May 11, 2018

Fireworks Buster sells for £111.00

Everyone who had this 1965 issue of Buster remembers it fondly for its free Guy Fawkes mask. I certainly do. (One of the first issues of Buster that I had.) It's become a much-sought after item by collectors, mainly due to most masks ending up on bonfires that year, affixed to the Guy Fawkes dummies. 

Anyway, a copy has sold on eBay this morning after 15 bids for £111, sold by popular comics dealer Silver Acre. Condition described as "COMIC IS CLEAN AND SUBTLE WITH NO PEN, IT HAS A 1 INCH MAGIC TAPE REPAIR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SPINE". (I think he means "supple".) 

Not bad for a comic that originally cost 7d (3p). I bid on it in the early stages but that's far too much for me to consider paying for a comic so I've no regrets not winning. Congratulations to whoever nabbed it though!  


Mikeodee said...

Kind of glad I didn't see this....would have been tempted to bid! Nice to see the picture, though. I too had this as a I right in thinking the mask was a give away with something or other over a period of a few (or at leastle more than one) years?

Lew Stringer said...

There was a different version given away with Whizzer and Chips No.3 in 1969, and later issues of Buster in the 1980s had cut out masks, but this one wasn't repeated anywhere else.

Irmantas said...

I didn't bid on it but I did on six other Silver Acre auctions for the early issues of Buster that ended yesterday. I won four, so now I only need three issues to complete my set!

Lew Stringer said...

Well done, Irmantas! I won 7 early issues of Wham from the same seller. I think I only need 14 of the later issues for a full run now.

Roberto said...

Come on, Lew ! You don't need 111 £, just a good printer :

Too bad you can't make it to Oldham. Take care of yourself

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