NOTE: Blimey! is no longer being updated. Please visit for the latest updates about my comics work.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Next stop, Wigan!

Firstly an announcement; I'm taking a blog break after this post as I'm still not feeling 100% due to this virus and I need to catch up with work (and enjoy getting out in the sun when I can, rather than stay indoors blogging). My apologies if you're still waiting for me to review your comics/books but I need to put my health and career first. Hope you understand. I'll be back in a few weeks, or earlier if important news breaks. 

I'll still be posting updates about my own work at:

...and if you want UK comics news, the best place to visit is Down the Tubes by John Freeman, who does a better job of reporting it than I do anyway.

On to today's subject, I'm looking forward to being at Wigan Comic Con which is happening very soon now, on Saturday 26th May. Hope to see some of you there. Spread the word!

You can find out more about the event at their Facebook page:

...and buy tickets here:


Peter Gray said...

Get well soon...fully walks are great for health...river..sea walks..

mon. said...

This blogs been stale for a long time so ending it it maybe the best. RIP Blimey.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Hi Lew, I just checked out the "Down the Tubes" site and it is great! That for the tip! Good luck with your recovery!

Peter Gray said...

Ignore the second message.......

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