Thursday, May 10, 2018

No Oldham con for me, sadly

You know how people catch "convention flu" because there's always someone there with a bug? I'm afraid I'd be the one spreading germs this weekend if I went out. I regret to say I won't be able to attend Oldham Comic Con this Saturday. This flu bug has the better of me and between falling asleep with exhaustion and feeling yuk I've dropped behind schedule with work. I'm really sorry to let down the organisers and to miss meeting up with old (and new) friends. Sounds like it's going to be a brilliant event, so I hope you all have a great day there! See you soon.


  1. Meh. Are the important guests still going?

  2. I see Marks a big fan of yours Lew. Anyway hope your feeling better soon Lew.

  3. Hello. If you find yourself getting better and then your temperature or your breathing suddenly becomes very difficult, you must go to an emergency room immediately. The reason being that you may have sepsis which is a blood infection. I just learned this year at 56 years old that sepsis from the flu kills more people than the flu. Flu causes the Lungs to become weak and then sepsis results from an infection in the lungs it is very very serious condition.

  4. I'd heard about that. Thanks Charlie.


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