Saturday, August 25, 2018

It's a NICE convention

The next convention where you'll find me will be Nice Con 2018, at Bedford Corn Exchange over the weekend of 1st and 2nd September 2018. As you can see from the guest list there's a lot of talented creatives attending from all over the world, including Don McGregor from the USA, DaNi from Greece, Aneke from Spain, and many UK guests too. 

I'm going to be very busy on the run up to the con so I won't be blogging very often. You can find out more info about the event here:

...and following NICE, I'll be at these events...

8th September 2018
Custard Factory,

ICE 2018
Saturday 15th September

To be announced:
Sunday 7th October
More info soon.

To be announced:
Saturday 20th October 2018

More info soon.

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