Friday, August 24, 2018

Eggo's End!

Next issue of the Beano sees the conclusion to the Big Eggo strips I've been doing for the past six months. It's been an honour to revive the Beano's oldest character and I hope readers have enjoyed it. Above is a teaser ad I've designed for my own use.

It's a proper ending too, and I've treated it like a mini-epic, with highs and lows and a showdown in a remote location. Humour strips don't usually get proper conclusions so I'm really pleased with this one. Please don't post any spoilers or photos of it on the Internet until the issue goes off sale! Thanks.

Don't miss the Beano No.3950, on sale Wednesday 29th August!


  1. theres snow and cliffs in your panel...does a yeti appear... :) just guessing..

  2. I admit I haven't been following this serial. Are male ostriches normally involved in looking after eggs, or is this a special case? I say eggs, for the female's sake I think it may be one at a time?


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