Friday, August 24, 2018

PSYCHO GRAN returns for Round 2

Psycho Gran was created by David Leach back in 1986 for Oink! comic but a character that good couldn't perish with the comic so David occasionally revives her for a new lease of life in her own titles. The latest being Psycho Gran Versus, and this is Round 2

Like the first issue, Psycho Gran Versus: Round 2 is a collection of new full page illustrations showing Psycho up against familiar looking characters. David's artwork is maturing all the time and it's always a treat to see. The fact that this is very funny is a bonus (although you'd be disappointed if it wasn't funny 'cos that's the whole point). 

"36 Punishing Pages of OAP Agro!" screams the cover, like something from a modern day Action weekly. It's all good satirical fun with Psycho Gran tackling characters as diverse as Darth Vader to Peanuts. 

There are bonus pieces by guest artists too, including industry greats such as Doug Braithwaite and Tom Mandrake. All in all, a great package!

To find out how to buy a copy, message David Leach at the Psycho Gran Facebook page.

Alternatively, you can buy issues directly from David at any comic cons he attends. 

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