Friday, October 12, 2018

39 years of DWM

Doctor Who Magazine notches up 39 years of publication this week. An impressive achievement for any mag these days. It started out as Doctor Who Weekly back in 1979 of course, and I wrote a blog post about that first issue a few years ago, which you can read here:

That first issue had 36 pages with only four in colour. These days it's an 84 page full colour mag published every four weeks. The current issue is No.530. Here's the cover to look out for...

...and issue 531 will be out next week. I'll post a cover preview on this blog as soon as it's revealed!

I've always thought Doctor Who Magazine was a great mag, even before I started contributing to it four years ago. To find out more about the magazine, visit their website today and take advantage of the subscription offer to save money:

...and don't miss the next episode of the new season of Doctor Who this Sunday at 6.55pm on BBC One.

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