Friday, October 12, 2018

El Mestizo is coming!

Ready for pre-order now is El Mestizo, a collection of the classic strip by Alan Hebden and Carlos Ezquerra that originally appeared in Battle weekly 40 years ago. One of the late Carlos Ezquerra's favourite strips to work on, this shouldn't be missed!

Here's what the publishers had to say about it:

He ain't on anybody's side but his own - Alan Hebden and Carlos Ezquerra's groundbreaking character El Mestizo is now available to pre-order!

Bursting out of the pages of legendary Battle Picture Weekly and perfect for fans of Moebius's Blueberry and the motion picture Django Unchained, El Mestizo was once a slave who managed to escape to Mexico. Now he’s come back over the border – a mercenary for hire!

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