Sunday, March 31, 2019

Happy Bat-Day!

Happy 80th birthday... to Batman! Like many of us, I'd never heard of the character until I saw the TV show in 1966, not knowing he'd been in comics since 1939! 

Here's a photo of me in 1966 looking just like him. Well, in truth the official play outfit was nothing like the Batman costume, and nothing like it was advertised as you can see (below), but I didn't care. I thought it was great! (I made the mask myself, out of a bit of red leather when the plastic Batman mask broke.) 

Pictured below is the first time I saw a Batman comic strip, when Smash! weekly started reprinting the American newspaper strip on its cover. 

Don't miss the special 100 page, 1,000th issue of Detective Comics, on sale now in comic shops! There are several variant covers, and I chose the 1950s version by Michael Cho as it seemed to be the only one that properly mimicked the style of the era it was supposed to. Happy bat-days!


  1. Ah, this picture reflects the times... knee-high socks and those funny little shoes we all had back then!

  2. Going on holiday to Guernsey from home in London in '66, I noticed that Channel TV didn't show Batman at the same bat-time the next day, so they needed a voice-over to contradict the announcement at the end of the show!

  3. Yes, that happened in the Midlands on some repeats in the 1980s as I recall. It was definitely shown over two nights here originally though in 1966.


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