Tuesday, April 02, 2019

BRAWLER is coming!

Who's up for a new British adventure comic? All of us, I'd guess. In that case, here's Brawler, an all-new 54 page comic that's launching next month! 

Brawler is being published by Steve Tanner's Time Bomb Comics, the successful independent outfit behind Flintlock and other titles. It will contain seven new strips by such talented creators as Nigel Dobbyn, Dan Whitehead, David Hitchcock, Jason Cobley and more... with a cover by Staz Johnson! 

Brawler is being funded through Kickstarter and you can find out more, and see some sneak previews of the contents, at this link:


  1. Yep, as they mentioned on the Kickstarter page.

  2. Ooh. Looks interesting. I mean, anything with a dinosaur squaring up to GIs has already got my attention.

  3. Thanks, Lew.

    I like it though at a minimum of £10 a copy a little expensive (Meanwhile costs the same but has almost double the pages). Is it larger I wonder?

    However, new comics like this do not come every day and the front cover looks great.

    I take it that like Meanwhile, it will come out irregularly providing there's a second issue (I couldn't find any information on its website).

    Definitely will get the 1st issue.

  4. Forgot to say that though half the pages of Meanwhile, they are full colour.

    ...and I love the name - Brawler. :D

  5. I presume there'll be more if it's successful enough. Hopefully self contained stories in issue 1, but I'm not sure about that.

  6. I'll buy one when I see Steve at a con in a few weeks.

  7. Got my issue at the end of May and I liked it.

    Lew, do you have any insider knowledge whether or not this will be a (semi) regular thing since the first issue was such a success?

  8. I've no idea, Sid. I don't even have a copy myself but I understand this blog has helped sales a bit so hopefully there'll be more.

  9. It certainly did for me since I didn't know about Brawler until I read your blog.

  10. I am sorry, Lew. I forgot to thank you. :)

  11. I don't expect any thanks, Sid. Just pleased that the blog has proved useful. :)


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