Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It's MACC-POW! this Saturday!

I hope you'll be joining us at Macclesfield Town Hall this Saturday, 22nd June, for Macc-Pow!, the town's annual celebration of comics!

As well as myself, guests this year include Nigel Parkinson, Rachael Smith, Hunt Emerson, David Leach, Jessica Lucas, Gary Northfield, Roger Langridge, Nick Brokenshire and many more! Always a friendly, comics-focused event and it's free admission!

To find out more, visit the website here:


On to other matters, I won't have time to write the reviews I'd intended to do this week as I suddenly have a lot of work on with tight deadlines over the next few weeks. That means that, apart from a scheduled comics preview that will go live this weekend, this blog will be inactive for a short while. Normal service will resume sometime in July. 

You can keep up with my latest work over at my other blog here:

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