Press release from the Comic Book Alliance:
To raise money for an incredibly worthwhile cause Kapow! Comic Con has released 25 special sales tables at the show on 9th and 10th April 2011. This amazing offer has been exclusively created to raise funds for the Comic Book Alliance (CBA).
With a minimum suggested donation per table this is every aspiring creator and small press publishers chance to get their comics out to a waiting audience, and perhaps get that big break. Tim Pilcher, Chair of the CBA said, “We are deeply grateful to the Kapow! team for donating these tables, and the money they’ll raise for the Comic Book Alliance. Now, even those with limited resources have the opportunity to take part in one of the most exciting conventions happening this year. While there is a minimum donation we sincerely hope that creators will be generous and able to contribute more, so that the CBA will be able to continue supporting the British Comics industry.”
The tables are limited to one per small press publisher/creator and come with two chairs and one weekend pass (an extra pass is available for an additional fee). But the booking deadline is soon! Creators must contact the CBA and make their donations before Friday 18th March. To find out more details and to request a booking form email: founders@comicbookalliance.co.uk
The Comic Book Alliance, “The Voice of the British Comics Industry”, is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of British comic books, graphic novels, webcomics and sequential art in its many forms, as well as British-based and ex-pat comic creators—be they artists, writers, colourists, letterers or editors. The organisation arranges a wide range of activities from a legal fund and advice, press launches, exhibitions, gallery shows, fund-raising events, educational programs, publications and other events, for professionals and the public.
Visitors to Kapow! will be amongst the first in the world to get an exclusive look at various upcoming comics, games, movie blockbusters and hit TV shows from the biggest publishers and studios in the world.
Other confirmed events at Kapow! include:
• Jonathan Ross’ Comic Pros v. Comic Fans Gameshow
• The Stan Lee Awards
• Movie X: A secret screening of an upcoming superhero film that doesn’t release at until after the event
• Exclusive panels with hit TV shows such as The Walking Dead, Being Human, True Blood and Misfits
• Cosplay Competition
• The biggest names in UK & US Comic-Books
• Free autographs
• UK & US Publisher Portfolio Reviews
Tickets are on sale now at www.kapowcomiccon.com only available in advance. There will be no on the door ticket sales. Please join us on Twitter and Facebook to receive regular updates and announcements on the show.
If you require any further information on the CBA please contact Tim Pilcher on tim.pilcher@comicbookalliance.co.uk or call 07986 995 938
For further information on Kapow! please contact press@kapowcomiccon.com