New comics arriving in early 2007:
Shaun the Sheep Comic No.1 hits the shelves in March, published by Titan, as a companion comic to their popular Wallace & Gromit Comic. The format is the same as W&G; 52 colour pages including brand new comic strips and features.
Also that month from Titan, Superman returns to British newsagents in the first issue of a 76 page monthly. In the same format as Panini comics such as Mighty World of Marvel and Titan's recent re-launch of Batman Legends the title will contain three Superman strips, including Grant Morrison and Frank Quietley's All-Star Superman.
Around the same time, small press publisher Spitfire Comics will be bringing us The Collected Hook Jaw Volume 1, reprinting the gore-filled adventures of the killer shark from Action comic of 31 years ago!
Another project that should please all fans of UK comics is a tv documentary series on the history of British comics. It'll appear on BBC 4 sometime in 2007 and from all accounts sounds very promising, including interviews with key figures in the industry. More news on this exciting project in the weeks to come.
My comics are at the BBC right at this minute..posing..smiling for the camera...Buster..Whizzer and chips...Whoopee..Pow..Monster Fun..my number 1 comics will be in the program...they seemed very interested in Badtime Bedtime stories by Leo Baxendale...so expect to see this...will my comics ever come back now they've tasted the big time:)
Excellent! Good to hear they're covering Odhams/IPC humour comics. This programme could be just what we need to show the audience that there's more to British comics than The Beano and 2000AD!
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