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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

GRINDHOUSE graphic novel out this week

This Wednesday, 29th July, Dark Horse Books are publishing a Grindhouse graphic novel which collects Slay Ride and Blood Lagoon from the current mini-series.

Both stories are written by Alex de Campi. The trade paperback is designed as a flip book; with Slay Ride (with art by R.M. Guéra) taking up one half of the book, then turn it over to read Blood Lagoon (illustrated by Chris Peterson).

Slay Ride is described as "Yuletide exploitation" and a brutal holiday tale of revenge and supernatural horror. Here's a couple of preview pages...

Blood Lagoon brings back Deputy Garcia from last year's Bee Vixens from Mars (in the previous Grindhouse series) to face the threat mutated giant cow-eating ticks! Here's a preview page...

It's all good, over-the-top horror comics fun and the book even features fake blood splatters on the cover flap. Er... at least I think it's fake...

Why am I promoting an American comic on a blog about UK comics? Well, vested interest declared, the book also contains two pages that I did; exclusive one-off creations Kung-Fu Cheesecake and Snowmanic! Here's a preview of a panel from each story...

(Yep, I censored the Snowmanic panel for this family-friendly blog. See the uncensored version in the book!)

The graphic novel also contains bonus items such as excellent fake movie posters, dark humour strips by Rick Parker and Dean Haspiel, cover roughs, and how some pages looked in their penciled stage.

Grindhouse: Doors Open At Midnight Double Feature Volume 3 goes on sale in comic speciality stores in the UK and USA from tomorrow, 29th July. The U.S. price is $17.99. Mature readers only!

Also available that day will be the latest issue of the Grindhouse monthly comic (No.7), - but not in Canada. (See here for more details about that!)

I know many comic readers are getting weary of superhero comics lurching from one revamp to the next, but there's more to American comics than capes and crossovers. There are loads of comics out there in any well stocked comics shop! Try Grindhouse and the many other titles from Dark Horse and other publishers for refreshing alternatives.


John Pitt said...

Hi Lew, sorry about my lack of comments of late, but been very busy working on the house & garden. But I HAVE read and enjoyed ALL your posts sincey my last comment.

Lew Stringer said...

Good to hear from you, John. Funnily enough I was just thinking earlier that I hadn't seen you commenting anywhere recently. Glad to hear you're ok. and thanks for continuing to follow my blog.

cartoon pictures said...

Good post, always been a fan :)

Lew Stringer said...


Anonymous said...

A curious time of year to bring out a graphic novel featuring Christmas and snowmen. But it is nearly August so the mince pies will soon be in the shops - I'm not kidding, my mother once bought a box of mince pies in August.

Lew Stringer said...

The original printing in the comic was published last December but with graphic novels the seasons don't really matter I suppose because it'll stay in print for quite a long time hopefully.

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