Super School does well in poll
Just a quick blog today to thank any reader of this blog who voted for my new strip in The Beano online popularity poll. In its first week of publication Super School had 23% of the votes! Billy Whizz just pipped it to top position with 25%, although his button is the default setting. (Dennis the Menace, Bash Street Kids and other well established strips are not included in the poll in order to give relatively newer strips a fairer chance.)
I'm really pleased that Super School did so well straight out of the gate and I hope that it can maintain its popularity in the weeks to come.
The third appearance of Super School can be seen in The Beano No.3456 this coming Wednesday (29th October) as they meet Gnasher! £1.25
A reprint beat you :)
Is there no justice...your cheekly..
It will be interesting how the strip develops over the weeks and months..
Aww, Lew! You're showing me up with that screencap revealing Johnny B in last place! XD
"Just a quick blog today to thank any reader of this blog who voted for my new strip in The Beano online popularity poll."
You're welcome ;)
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