Graphic novelist David Lloyd, co-creator with Alan Moore of V for Vendetta and designer of the stylized Guy Fawkes mask used by the Occupy movement addresses corruption in the deluxe digital version of crime-noir thriller Kickback. The iPad version includes an exclusive interview, audio commentary, and production notes and images.
TOKYO March 28th, 2012 It's the mask protesting about corruption and greed around the world, and its creator David Lloyd, the artist behind V for Vendetta, has just released an interactive graphic novel for the iPad addressing those very issues: "V for Vendetta was concerned with how a society becomes corrupt and how it frees itself from corruption. My graphic novel, Kickback, resonates with this theme, but it is about how one man frees himself from the shackles of his own corruption."

The iPad app (which takes advantage of the new retina screen) presents Kickback in a stunning high-quality digital format, with a specially-designed user interface that gives the reader smooth swiping from page to page, flawless pixel-per-second movement, and effortless transition to Panel Mode to view enlarged panels one by one in beautiful detail. The app also includes an audio commentary by the artist, an exclusive interview, and production notes and sketches.
In the exclusive interview Lloyd discusses a range of issues and details his experience of launching the print version of Kickback just after the V for Vendetta movie was released and is scathing about former publisher Dark Horse and their lack of promotion of his work.
In relation to the decision to release the work in iPad format, Lloyd commented, "Intelligent graphic novels for adults have rarely been able to find the readership they deserve. With this iPad version of Kickback, we're making something I'm very proud of available to millions of people who wouldn't think of scanning the graphic novel section of a bookstore, or entering a comic shop. The format also allows us to add features that would either not be possible or be too expensive in a printed book. The whole thing looks fantastic and I'm very excited to see my work in this form."

The artist worked with Tokyo-based digital publisher Panel Nine Publishing who specialize in fully-featured software for digital graphic novels. Publisher Russell Willis, a Brit, commented: "Not all digital comics are created equal. The 'lean back' nature of the iPad allows immersion into the material and we have created software which sweats the small stuff to exploit the features of the device and create the optimal reader experience. This is a world away from reading a dodgy PDF on a computer monitor. There is no doubt that in the next few years most people will be reading graphic novels on tablets of some sort: Kickback is the future of the graphic novel."
Kickback is available for all versions of the iPad and can be purchased from iTunes for £6.99. Click here to purchase and download your copy.
This app presents Kickback in stunning high-quality digital format, with a specially-designed user interface that gives the reader smooth swiping from page to page, flawless pixel-per-second movement, and effortless transition to Panel Mode to view enlarged panels one by one in beautiful detail.
Special features include:

• A host of extra material including a selection of previously unpublished sketches, thumbnails, and cover roughs from the development of Kickback
• A brand-new interview with David Lloyd conducted exclusively for this app
• Visual contents and bookmarks that let the reader view thumbnails of all pages and navigate quickly and easily
David Lloyd is one of the comics industry's foremost talents. He has worked with many top graphic novel writers including Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, and Grant Morrison.