The Beano No.3411:

A 48 page bumper issue on sale for two weeks. Features a 19 page reprint by Bob Nixon but 20 pages of new strips too, including the first Christmas Johnny Green strip by Laura Howell, a brand new Riot Squad back cover by Ken Harrison, Ratz by Hunt Emerson, and my first work for the Beano, - a Fred's Bed fill in! (Shown below.) I'm dead chuffed to be in the Christmas Beano!

2000 AD Prog 2008:

The festive 100 page triple-issue that replaces the old annuals. Bold new masthead, eight new strips including Stickleback by Ian Edginton and D'Israeli, Shakara by Robbie Morrison and Henry Flint, and (below) Kingdom by Dan Abnett and Richard Elson.

Doctor Who Magazine No.390:

Okay, not exactly a comic, but it does contain a brand new Doctor Who strip every month. (The longest running licensed strip in the world I believe, which started in TV Comic back in 1964. Correct me if I'm wrong.) This month, the nine page strip is written by Jonathan Morris and drawn by the brilliant Roger Langridge (below). The rest of the 76 page mag isn't bad either!

HEY! You forgot to mention ELEPHANTMEN: WAR TOYS #1 on sale NOW!
Fear not Boss! I'm going to plug ELEPHANTMEN: WAR TOYS in it's own blog entry. A BRILLTASTIC issue by the way! (Just got back from Brum with my copies.)
I'll send you that script for No.2 this weekend too!
I liked the short story of Doctor Who...great ending I would of helped them...very apt...
I hope you get a weekly job at The Beano Lew...the new adventures of Fred's Bed would be great...
Now you do have a weekly job at The Beano..yippee!!
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