As well as asking readers to vote for their five favourite strips there are also sections to cover other aspects such as what they'd change about the comic.
The form can also be filled in online at http://www.completeasurvey.co.uk/Dandy
Postman Prat takes a break in a few weeks but I'd really appreciate your votes for the strip, and for Kid Cops, which should return soon.
This issue of The Dandy also features the debut of The Etherington Brothers' Yore (yes, they get a credit in the title, - a far cry from the Dandy of old), plus lots of other funny stuff including Desperate Dan versus Dennis the Menace in The Arena of Awesome by Jamie Smart.
The Dandy. Out now. £1.50
Hooray! Kid Cops are coming back! (I admit I always preferred them to Prat, and was sorry when they left, but I'm guessing you can only manage one comic a week under normal circumstances?)
Speaking of comebacks... hint, hint, Super School?
The idea behind the new Dandy is to keep it fresh so strips will be dropped to make way for new ones, then return later. It's similar to how the comic was run in the olden days when I were a lad.
The Beano have a few Super School in stock but I think they're waiting for me to draw a few more before they bring it back. I'll be working on one this weekend.
I definitely think Prat is the stronger of the two strips. Much more emotional resonance (ie: imbecile struggling with a job that's beyond him ) whereas the other guys are just a couple of smug kids.
But I'd prefer to keep both, plus Harry Hill, also maybe give Dan more space. Good to see Korky or the kitten that passes for him these days (Korky XXV if we're counting in cat generations ) getting a full page in recent issues.
And bring back Robot on the Run. Ok it's not Space Jinx but these days, what is ?
I should really go and vote instead of typing this, shouldn't I ?
Sorry Lew, I was stuck between 8 characters and I had to give up on Postman Prat and Kid Cops... Hopefully my mate will vote for them... I can't wait to see Kid Cops back, they're both great but Kid Cops felt like a classic you'd of seen in the 80's.... Is there going to be a proper poll soon? That poll missed out quite a few characters plus you could only vote 5...
Comics of the past only allowed readers to choose their favourite three stories, so five is a bit more generous.
Apparently when Harry Hill wins an award he's likely to break out into utter gibberish as he does here (about 1:30 in the video):
"Baffy waffy wimwam!"
Never having seen his show I assume it's part of his routine?
Isn't this what the much vaunted online poll was for, though?!
True, although this is a full survey, not just a vote for stories. It's also, hopefully, less open to abuse.
I did think that - character-wise, it's probably fairer than the online voting (though that could have been fixed to be fairer).
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