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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

She Lives!

At London's Cartoon Museum later this month, a unique experience as artist Woodrow Phoenix presents his book, She Lives! I saw Woodrow with this at the Lakes International Comic art Festival two years ago and it's certainly worth seeing. He's bound his actual artwork into a HUGE book, that will never be printed, but instead Woodrow narrates the story as he turns the pages for the audience. That's art, that is, mate! 

For more details, visit the Cartoon Museum website:

(I won't be able to make it myself as I'll be at the Nottingham Comic Con on October 29th but if you're in London that day, drop in to see Woodrow's book!)


TwoHeadedBoy said...

Is this the same giant comic that was at the Comics Unmasked exhibit at the British Museum a few years ago? I remember some impressively massive book there, can't remember if it was Woodrow's or not though...

Lew Stringer said...

It sounds likely, Ryan. I've only seen it at the Lakes festival but I'm sure Woody has displayed it elsewhere.

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