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Sunday, January 01, 2017

2000AD enters its 40th anniversary year

Returning after its Christmas break, 2000AD is back on the shelves this Wednesday with the first issue of the New Year. 2017 is an important year for the comic, as it will celebrate its 40th anniversary next month. More on that at a later date, but for today here's the preview of Prog 2012, on sale January 4th...

UK & DIGITAL: 4 January 2016 £2.65
NORTH AMERICA: 4 February 2016 $7.99

In this issue:
Judge Dredd: Deep In The Heart by Michael Carroll (w) Tiernen Trevallion (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Kingmaker by Ian Edginton (w) Leigh Gallagher (a) Ellie De Ville (l)
Kingdom: As It Is In Heaven by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a) Ellie De Ville (l)
The Order:  Wyrm War by Kek-W (w) John Burns (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Hope: ...For The Future by Guy Adams (w) Jimmy Broxton (a) Simon Bowland (l)

Available in print from: UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond 

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