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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New COMMANDO comics out this week

Here's the info on the latest Commando comics, supplied by D.C. Thomson...

Commando Issues 4987 - 4990 - On Sale 26th January 2017

Commando – 4987 – Operation Arrowhead
 In the fourteenth century, the English bowmen were the scourge of French knights. The machine gunners of their days, the bowmen used six foot bows to fire long arrows with three inch wide arrowheads to pierce the hearts of their enemies.
One such arrowhead was found six centuries later in a field in France by Private Len Mason. This chance encounter saved Len from being gunned down by the enemy.
Surrounded by the bodies of his squadron, Len wondered why he had survived the brutal attack. Was the arrowhead a good luck charm or was it simply a coincidence?

Story: George Low
Art: Carlos Pino
Cover: Carlos Pino

Commando – 4988 – Blaze of Glory
 A squad of Commandos set out to deliver one R.A.F. Flight Lieutenant to an address in German-held Norway. Mark Ritchie was his name – and desperately daring was his nature. The trick was to get him there alive…

Story: Wilkinson
Art: Buylla
Cover: Alvaro

Introduction -
Following a devastating crash, claustrophobic R.A.F. test pilot, Mark Ritchie, didn’t expect to be chosen for an immediate mission to accompany a Commando squad into the heart of Nazi-occupied Norway to steal a never-before-flown aircraft prototype.
Wilkinson’s fast-paced story brilliantly captures Mark’s battle to prove his worth, creating dramatic tension between the pilot and the Commandos. The story is perfectly complemented by Buyella’s mastery of ink, as his visuals lead us from the cockpit of an unarmed plane, across vast seas, and deep into enemy territory. This is one action-packed adventure that’s not to be missed!

The Commando Team.
Blaze of Glory, originally Commando No. 299 (December 1967)

Commando - 4989 – Tromsø 
The Tirpitz was one of the most feared battleships of the Second World War. A forty-two-thousand-ton titan of the seas, the R.A.F.’s brave and desperate attempts to destroy it became notorious.
Lesser known was the story of Erik and Olav, scientists turned S.O.E. agents, and their role in the battleship’s fate. Their lives inextricably linked with brutal Nazi Major Herman Klinger, see how they came to take their revenge in the barren town of… Tromsø

Story: Colin Watson
Art: Keith Page
Cover: Keith Page

Commando - 4990 – Pirate Patrol
 Nick Borley cursed the day he had been switched from commanding a fast motor launch to take over an antiquated schooner. And never more so than now as they ran before a storm, the sails and rigging in tatters after the Luftwaffe had paid a call.
Up ahead lay the hostile enemy-held coast and at Nick’s elbow was the grinning, bearded pirate who had started all this trouble. And he wasn’t finished yet!

Story: Alan Hemus
Art: Keith Shone
Cover: Jeff Bevan

Introduction -
If you’re looking for a swashbuckling tale of heroism and maritime madness, venture no further than Pirate Patrol! Veteran writer, Alan Hemus is at the top of his game in this seafaring thriller. Hemus creates a great anti-hero in the form of Barney Lee, a loveable rogue with interesting views on the Second World War erupting around him. His counterpart, Lieutenant Nick Borley, is the perfect straight-laced man to counter balance Barney’s disorder, and both are expertly depicted in Keith Shone’s excellent interior art.

The Commando Team.
Pirate Patrol, originally Commando No 2455 (March 1991)

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