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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Preview: This week's BEANO

The latest issue of The Beano is out today, with a striking cover by Nigel Parkinson to promote the four-page Minnie the Minx story inside.

For 79 years, The Beano has been a consistently good comic week after week, and many artists have contributed to its pages over the decades. As funny as it ever was, here's a sampling of this week's contents...

The Bash Street Kids, written by Iain McLaughlin, with art by Mychalio Kazybrid and Bambos Georgiou. They're doing a great job on this...

Calamity James, with script and art by Leslie Stannage. (Les was a contributor to Bem fanzine back in the 1970s!)

The Numskulls by Nigel Auchterlounie. Funny stuff!

Plus great work by Nigel Parkinson, Barrie Appleby, Hunt Emerson, Laura Howell and more. And a couple of strips by me; Pup Parade and Ivy the Terrible.

Remember the old motto: Never Be Without A Beano! Issue 3866 is on sale now from newsagents and supermarkets across the UK for just £2.50.

For more info, check out the Beano website:


James Spiring said...

Shame on the Numskulls for having basically the exact same joke as last week's Dennis. Should've run those two further apart.

Lew Stringer said...

Same theme (virtual reality) but different jokes. I think it's fair, considering a lot of readers would have had VR headsets as Christmas presents.

Jim Barker said...

On the Friday before Christmas, my local Tesco was selling the 2017 Beano book for (wait for it...) 50p. Of course I snaffled a copy as a gift to myself. Looking for a "Broons" Annual now...

Lew Stringer said...

That's crazy! There's no way they could make a profit from that. Well done on finding it at that price, though.

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