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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Ken Reid T-shirts!

I mentioned the other week that Rebellion has produced a Faceache T-shirt, well now there's another one showcasing Ken Reid artwork. The Creepy Creations T-shirt features The Fanatical Fungus-Grower of Frogpool, a fantastic monster that Ken drew for the back cover of Shiver and Shake No.4 back in 1973! 

Recently, readers were invited to vote for which Creepy Creation should appear on a T-shirt and the Fungus-Grower won. Deservedly so, as it's a smashing piece of artwork by Ken at his best! 

The T-shirts come in a variety of colours, are available from today, and can be ordered directly from Rebellion here:

...and as you'll need more than one T-shirt this summer, don't forget the Faceache one here:

...and of course the whole range of books and specials from The Treasury of British Comics!

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