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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Classic Korky returns!

Here's the cover to today's issue of The Dandy (No.3608). Yes, it's the return of the classic version of Korky the Cat with an illustration taken from the cover of The Dandy Book 1967, drawn by Charlie Grigg. (There's a Korky strip inside by Charlie too, also reprinted from that same annual.)

Normally I wouldn't appreciate reprints on covers but this is such an iconic image that it deserves to be seen by today's generation of Dandy readers. There have been many versions of Korky over the years from diverse artists such as James Crichton (the character's original artist in 1937), Robert Nixon, Gordon Bell, Dave Windett, Henry Davies, and, most recently, Phil Corbett. (I even had a crack at Korky myself for a couple of Fun-Size Dandy comics about 12 years ago.) 

For me though, it's Charlie Grigg's version that captures the essence of the character. Whereas Biffo the Bear in The Beano was basically a goody-goody, Korky the Cat was more of an anti-hero. He could be helpful one week, and downright mischievous and sly the next, thinking up ways to outsmart the game keeper or local bullies. He had a cruel streak, too. Look at the sheer glee on his face as he flattens those mice beneath a giant snowball!

When I was a child in the sixties I was always eager to see whether Korky "won" or "lost" that week, because it could often go either way for him. That unpredictability, coupled with Charlie Grigg's fantastic artwork, made Korky a deserving cover star in my view so I'm glad to see him back there this week. 

I'm also chuffed that I have a 'Madvertisement' in this week's issue: Snowman in a Box. I drew this a while back, not knowing which issue it'd be used in, so I'm very pleased that it's inside the one with classic Korky on the cover. 

The Dandy No.3608, 36 full colour pages for £1.99. On sale now!


By the way, as you know, The Dandy will end its 75 year run in two short weeks so to make sure of your copy of the big 100 page final issue be sure to order a copy directly from D.C. Thomson - just in case your newsagent can't get enough copies. (And according to one newsagent, his supplier has denied him extra copies.) Order your copy now:


George Shiers said...

An amazing cover - suits the comic suprisingly well!

TwoHeadedBoy said...

75 stories in one Dandy? It's going to be great! Sad, yes, but great.

As for Korky, it's only in recent years I've got to appreciate him. I grew up reading the Nixon version (with the Kits - Nip, Lip and Rrip), but I'd sometimes see Charlie's version in those "Dandy Beano" books.

A favourite Korky quote (barbecuing a fish whilst the mice lay about on the beach, half-drowned):

"Aren't you jealous, you scum?"

rossmac said...

Any idea if the 'pull out' issue of Dandy No.1 is part of the 100 page count, or if it is a pull out separate to the page count? Either way it is looking to be an amazing final issue and I can't wait to see what comes next...

Twitter @MLPasterisk said...

Great Korky cover. Pleasantly surprised to see the "classic" Korky back. I'm afraid the recent version left me completely cold.

"75 classic stories" for the final issue perhaps suggests it's mostly reprints ?

Lew Stringer said...

I would guess that the 28 page pull-out Dandy No.1 will be part of the 100 pages. Will the rest be mostly reprints? That'd be telling...

Lew Stringer said...

...but the truth is I don't know. I know I've written/drawn five strips for it, and others have been busy on their contributions too, so I guess we'll all find out very soon!

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

I think I've drawn 4 pages for the last issue and written a 5th. I've also done 6 mini strips I think. So it looks like there will be plenty of new stuff

Phil Corbett said...

Good old Korky - I was always a little frightened of him as a child. He wasn't quite human enough in his anthropomorphised state for me. He walked on his back legs yet still had paws and his feature were downright devilish.
It was an honour to draw him though and I like to think I made him relevant to today's readers apart from in those 3 page strips which, if I'm being honest, really were hard to do.

Lew Stringer said...

Yes, your version was very modern Phil. I can see why it was felt Korky needed updating though. The original design was very 1920/30's. Korky's face reminded me of Bosko:

That said, Charlie Grigg's version will always be my favourite. Like you said, that devilish look, - it burns itself into your mind. The way Charlie Grigg drew him he always looked smarter than Biffo, Mickey the Monkey, and Barney Bulldog put together.

Robert said...

Thanks for that, Lew - I can't get the Dandy for love nor money anywhere near where I live, so terrific to be able to order this online.

With the 75 stories, are we going to have a character that appeared from each year of the comic? Or would that be telling...

Lew Stringer said...

I've no idea Robert. I don't think it's that regimented though because there are at least two characters in from the 2010 relaunch.

We'll find out soon. I won't be publishing any spoilers of the contents here though until the comic is in the shops. (Just my personal choice.) No doubt some people will be revealing all on forums as soon as they get their copies though. That'll be a shame I think as it'll spoil part of the enjoyment.

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