It was another highly enjoyable weekend amongst good company at the British International Comic Show in Birmingham at the weekend (Oct 15th-17th). No time for a full review I'm afraid as I have to plunge straight back into work but here's a few photographs from the event.

1: Adult humour comic Poot is back, and publisher Jim Whittaker was at the show to publicize the title. Several issues have already been published and it is available in selected newsagents, with distribution in some WH Smith branches coming soon. Follow http://www.pootcomic.com/ for more details.
2: Artists Abigail Ryder and her partner Dave Bulmer with a selection of their comics including The Demon Tomato. Abby is also the colourist on Richard Elson's artwork on Kingdom for 2000AD. http://www.demontomato.com
3: Editor John Freeman with his latest book, Sci Fi Art Now (published by Harper Collins) and an advance preview of The Iron Moon graphic novel, written by Stephen Walsh and illustrated by Keith Page. The Iron Moon will be out next year, and I can report that it's a great looking book, very European in style and will be well worth the wait. http://downthetubescomics.blogspot.com/2010/10/trailer-for-iron-moon-graphic-album.html
4: Stuart Galbraith, publisher of Comic Heroes magazine, promoting the increasingly-popular new mag at the show. http://www.comicheroesmagazine.com/

5: Natalie Al-Tahhan chats with artist Nigel Dobbyn (http://www.nigeldobbyn.com) about his work on Sonic the Comic. Natalie grew up reading Sonic the Comic and is now an artist and designer in her own right. Visit her website at http://natalt.co.uk/.
6: Beano and Dandy artist Nigel Parkinson (centre) with colourist Nika on our right and her partner Stamos on our left enjoying the delights of their first BICS event.
7: Sean Phillips, Charlie Adlard, and Phil Winslade busily sketching and meeting the readers on Sunday morning.
8: Saturday night with artist/writer Mike Collins, Panini editor Ed Hammond, John Freeman (editor of the forthcoming Strip Magazine) and comics journalist/writer Paul H. Birch.

9: Artist Lee Bradley sketching for the fans. http://leebradleys.blogspot.com/
10: Jason Dennis and John A. Short at the Kult Creations table promoting their new UK comic Cross and other publications from the company. http://kultcreations.blogspot.com/
11: Graham Pearce creator of the funniest small press comic around, Sgt. Mike Battle proudly shows off the first volume collecting the early stories. This impressive book is a chunky trade paperback with well over 200 pages for a mere £12.99. http://www.sgtmikebattle.co.uk/
12: Phil Clarke with the huge doorstopper of a book Great British Fantasy Comic Book Heroes which was compiled by Mike Higgs and published by Blasé Books.
Thanks once again to James Hodgkins, Shane Chebsey and all for a great weekend. These events are highly important for those of us who work in comics to meet up with colleagues and readers, so the hard work of the organizers is always appreciated.
If you've never been to a comic event, make a date to visit Birmingham next year. Keep an eye on the BICS website for updates:

Ha ha! That's me in stripy hoodie/T-shirt combo... I saw you take that picture, Lew. I should've cornered you and grilled you for further details on the all-new, all-different Dandy... then again, I'm sure you would've kept shtum!
I only attended on the Sunday, but it was splendid fun.
Paul Twist
Sorry I didn't recognize you Paul. we could have had a chat.
As you may have noticed I was just taking a quick shot of the hall and wasn't paying much attention to who was in the shot. If I'd known it was you I'd have definitely spoken to you.
No worries - seemed like you'd just arrived and didn't want to pester... We have only spoken a couple of times (BICS 2007) and you were very generous with your time then. I'll try to catch you at the next one...
I was there all day Saturday but my original plan was just to drop in on Sunday and get back home to work. However I ended up talking about Dandy, Beano, Viz, and Toxic to various people, and doing sketches, so I didn't leave until 3.30pm. Still, it helped promote the comics hopefully.
Thanks for the plug and the kind words about The Iron Moon, Lew. I'll drop you a copy when I get more copies!
Aw thanks Lew! It was so nice to see you again, I hope we get to see you at another con and get a bit more time to chat. :)
Hi Lew,
Just caught up with the Blogs scene and thought I'd drop by to say great review of the convention, which makes it seem like I haven't missed too much, as you give a nice overview of the scene there.
Hope you had a great time and if you are going along to Thought Bubble in a few weeks time, I'll see you there.
Only just spotted this, Lew. Thanks for mentioning POOT! Comic on your blog website. It was good to meet you in Brum.
Issue 6 of Poot should be out March 3rd at top 80 WH Smiths Travel stores plus other outlets so we're very excited about that.
Take care
Jim (plus Sven the Sax, Nigel the Orange, etc)
No problem Jim. I'm glad to hear POOT! is still with us. We need as many comics to survive as possible. The best of luck with issue 6 and I hope it does well.
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