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Friday, August 29, 2014

Alan Moore, Channel 4

Screen grab from the interview. © Channel 4 News
Last week the ever-brilliant Alan Moore was interviewed on Channel 4 News about his new film. Now the five minute interview has been uploaded to the news channel's official You Tube page, so if you missed it you can watch it here: 


Gareth said...

Ohh that film looks ethereal and intriguing! He's right, Hollywood don't give us movies to make us think anymore, they're just sequels after sequels.

Lew Stringer said...

There do seem to be more sequels in movies now than before, it must be said. Although I do like the idea of all the Marvel movies interconnecting.

Anonymous said...
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Lew Stringer said...

Watchmen is a very clever and influential work, but Dave Gibbons deserves an equal amount of credit for it.

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