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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Jessica Martin event at Elstree

As many of you will know, Jessica Martin's debut comic It Girl has proven to be very popular with readers, often selling out at comic shops such as Gosh! (shown in the photo above). The comic, telling the true life story of 'It Girl' Clara Bow, has impressed a lot of us in the industry (see my review here) and I'm pleased to see that Jessica has recently produced strips for anthologies such as To End All Wars (which I'll review when I get the chance) and To Arms! Jessica is also working on a graphic novel, Elsie Harris Picture Palace, and the pages I've seen so far look great. 
A page from It Girl.
That's not all, because Jessica's talents extend beyond the drawing board. As many of you will be aware, she's also an accomplished performer on stage and TV and on Friday 10th October at 8pm Jessica will be giving a 75 minute talk at Elstree Studios about her career in light entertainment. Tickets (only available by booking in advance) are £12, and you'll also receive a signed copy of It Girl. Sounds like a bargain to me, and a good night out.  

Follow this link for more information:   

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