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Wednesday, July 17, 2019


It all ends here! I've followed the work of Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill throughout their careers so it's with a heavy heart that I'll be reading this final comic of theirs before they retire from the funnybook business. They leave us with a fantastic legacy of work though, with comics that never compromised and always followed their own path. Very few in this industry have achieved that.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest No.6 is in comic stores today and it wraps up the 20-year story of the League in suitably "meta" fashion, as the kids say today. I haven't seen a copy yet so I'll review it when I do, but for now I thought I'd give you a "heads up" (as the kids also say) so you don't miss this milestone issue! 

Each issue of The Tempest has featured a parody of a British comic on its cover and it's appropriate that this final issue has a spoof of the early 2000AD cover design, as that comic was the one that launched Alan and Kevin into the spotlight. Don't miss it!

(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Kevin O'Neill
In Moore and O'Neill's final comic book, this issue masquerading as a British science-fiction weekly, the plot-strands of our concluding volume and loose ends from twenty years of continuity are tied in an ingenious starry bow, as Mina Murray and her legendary confederates transition from the world of fiction past and present to the world of fiction future. Planets end in visual spectacle, lovers are united in the matrimonial event of the millenium, and deadly enemies draw close in the conclusion of their fatal dances. This is your last call for the immaculate crescendo of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. IV, The Tempest.


B Smith said...

What" No "Space Spanner" given away free with each issue (with the infuriating "For XYZ reasons this offer unavailable outside the UK" in small print)?

Lew Stringer said...

Click on the cover image. There's a free Space Dinner! (Not included.) :)

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