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Friday, December 14, 2018


Wildcat was a very short-lived IPC comic of 1988/89 that deserved to last longer than it did. Now that Rebellion have the rights they're about to publish a collection of some of the stories as their latest book in the wonderful Treasury of British Comics line of classics. 

Available next month, Wildcat: Turbo Jones features some top class artwork by Ian Kennedy, Vanyo, Keith Page, and an uncredited full colour story by John Gilliat. Scripts are by Barrie Tomlinson. I'm sure its publication will delight fans of the comic and will also attract readers who haven't seen it before. This is cracking old-style adventure comic enjoyment! 

CREATIVE TEAM: Barrie Tomlinson (w) Ian Kennedy, Vanyo, Keith Page (a) 
RELEASE DATE: 10th January 2019 (UK) 23rd January 2019 (US)
PAPERBACK, 146 pages
PRICE: £14.99 (UK) $19.99 (US)
ISBN: 9781781086650

In 2488 Earth history professor, Turbo Jones predicted that the planet would be destroyed in 2500 by a vast meteoroid storm. Ridiculed by the world’s leaders, Turbo spent the next twelve years constructing a huge spaceship and employing a group of volunteers to help him leave the Earth and find a new home in the stars…

After months in space, Turbo and his senior staff including former mercenary Loner, the mysterious Kitten Magee and the last survivor of Xgangbe-4, Joe Alien, have found a potential new home.  Now they need to get down onto the planet and make sure that it is safe for the five hundred colonists and livestock aboard the Wildcat…

Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond.

Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, apps for iPadAndroid Windows 10


Kevin Larkin said...

I was too old to have paid any attention to Wildcat when it came out, but from the pages shown here, I rather like the look of this. I particularly like the cyber-chimp!

Lew Stringer said...

I only bought a couple myself, as I wasn't keen on 1980s adventure comics for kids (other than 2000AD) but in retrospect it's a damn good comic and I wish there was something with that tone around today.

PhilEdBoyce said...

I loved Wildcat from the moment I read the preview edition in the last issue of Oink! I was heartbroken it merged with Eagle in the end and didn't follow it, so I'm looking forward to seeing how these particular stories end, even if we won't see the overall conclusion. When I spoke with Barrie about the comic for The Oink! Blog he had big plans for it and his passion for the project shone through. I huge "what if" moment in my own comics history.

Lew Stringer said...

I doubt I'll buyt the book but having seen it for review it's good stuff! I can see why you enjoyed it.

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