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Friday, February 19, 2016

Tony Luke 1966 - 2016

I'm saddened to hear of the passing of artist and animator Tony Luke who lost his long battle against cancer this week. I first met Tony in the late 1980s at the UKCAC conventions back then. I hadn't seen him for many years but we'd corresponded in recent times on social media and e-mails. A decent and creative human being, gone far too soon. 

Throughout his long fight against cancer, Tony remained optimistic and in good cheer, continuing to create his artwork and planning for the future. He had beaten the disease for a few years and many of us thought he'd be around for a good while yet. Sadly, his illness accelerated recently and it was not to be, but his courage is an inspiration to us all. 

See Tony's art on his Deviant Arts page:

John Freeman has written a tribute:

And Steve Holland has written an obituary:


Anton Binder said...

Sad news. I knew Tony quite well. Our paths often crossed in Brighton and elsewhere. I recorded a voice over for one of his animations and enjoyed many chats with him about Sci-Fi and comics. It was he who suggested, after seeing it, that my play 'Skintime' was reminiscent of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles which led me to check.out that writer and become a fan. I was always interested to hear him tell me how he was coping with his illness and of his various other adventures living life on the edge. Sadly it appears his struggle is ended. RIP Tony.

Lew Stringer said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Anton.

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