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Friday, March 18, 2016

DEADLINE to return!

A distinctive and popular comic magazine of the 1990s that gave us Tank Girl and other characters, Deadline looks set to return in just a few months time! The new series will be called Missed Deadline and details are still sketchy at the moment but I'll bring you more news when I hear it. There's the new logo above, designed by Rian Hughes. 


Double Vision Comics said...

Missed this title the first around, but enjoyed reading my friend's back issues in the early 2000s. Great news to here it's coming back, in any form- will definitely be picking it up.

Steve said...

It will be interesting to see how a new version of Deadline shapes up. I've still got a run of the first 20 issues or so of the original, looking back the other month it was very much of it's day. Obviously Tank Girl stood head, shoulders, knees and toes above any of the other material but some of the other creators went on to success as well. Talking of Tank Girl, I was given the collected 21 c Tank Girl hardback for Xmas- cracking stuff!

Staz Johnson said...

Ho will this work Lew? Do you now? I don't see Jaime Hewlett returning to comic publishing, & obviously there's no Brett Ewins anymore. Unless Steve Dillon has a hand in it it seems like it's just going to be a publisher trying to cash in on the good name of a fondly remembered title... a bit like what IPC did with Eagle back in the 80's. At least whoever is in charge had the good sense to get Rian Hughes to design the logo.

Lew Stringer said...

I'm not sure if Steve's involved, Staz. I think it's going to be new characters but the same mix of comics, music, etc. I know it's scheduled for May, so the first issue must be almost completed. I'm sure there'll be an announcement soon.

Lew Stringer said...

Here's their Facebook page:

BP Johnson. said...

I'm reservedly hopeful. The original had some great material but was patchy. Hit and miss i suppose is a good description. If it's good I might ask them to hire me!

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