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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Danger! Len At Work (1950)

Here's an obscure little strip from the past. Danger! Len At Work appeared in The Beano from issue 386 (3rd December 1949) to No.410 (27th May 1950). It was drawn by Bill Holroyd, many years before he illustrated Screwy Driver, Brassneck, Spunky and his Spider, Jack Silver and others for The Dandy. Good, solid cartooning from one of the best! 

This example is from The Beano No.398 (4th March 1950). Click to see it larger.


Keith said...

Superb; what a great strip. Makes me think of those Viz pastiches of strips with play on word titles - such as 'Feet and two Reg'

Kib Lloyd said...

Bill Holroyd's stuff is great innit.
I read somewhere he was Ken Reid's brother in law.

Here's another Len at Work:

More Holroyd, Ding Dong Belle:

... and Wandering Willie:

Lew Stringer said...

Thanks for the links, Kib. Yes, you're right. Bill was Ken Reid's brother-in-law.

Yes, The Beano of the fifties was a great inspiration for quite a few Viz strips I think Keith.

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