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Friday, December 04, 2015

JOHNNY RED No.2 out now!

The second issue of Titan Comic's new Johnny Red monthly was published this week. It's available with a choice of two covers; one by series artist Keith Burns, and the other by veteran UK comics artist Ian Kennedy (shown above). Despite his advancing years, Kennedy is still an incredible artist and one of the best in the business.

After last issue's set up, this time we see Johnny and his squadron in action. Garth Ennis deilvers another tight, no-nonsense script and the artwork by Keith Burns really shines in the battle sequences.

This is the ideal comic for readers who grew up on Battle weekly. It takes a harder, more mature approach to the story than the classic weekly tales did, but compliments those old adventures.

There's also a four page back up feature with Garth Ennis interviewing David Hunt (who was the editor of Battle back in the day).

One of the best British comics around at the moment, Johnny Red is available from comics speciality shops and online sellers.  

Titan Comics website:     

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